Bus Stop Program

The Bus Stop Program is a state licensed before and after school program held at Lima United Methodist Church that follows the Rose Tree Media School District calendar. Bus transportation is provided by the RTM School District to and from the following schools: Glenwood Elementary, Indian Lane Elementary, Springton Lake Middle School, St. Mary Magdalen, Christian Academy, Middletown Montessori and the Walden School. We are open daily from 7-9am and 3-6pm. We are also open on most scheduled in-service and days off from school, from 7am-6pm. 

The Bus Stop Program provides a safe, fun, enriching environment for children in grades K-8th. We offer a large indoor and outdoor play space for children to enjoy sports, games, puzzles, Legos, crafts, reading, and imaginative play. We also provide an afternoon snack and HW help. Registered children from the Lima Christian Nursery School are also able to be part of our program.

If you’d more information on the Bus Stop Program, please contact us at 1busstopprogram@gmail.com or 610-566-9303 ext. 1. We’d be happy to speak with you and set up at time for you to come for a visit.

Christina Ayoub, Director