What immobilizes you? Think about something concrete—not like concrete concrete, even though that’s a pretty good immobilizer. “Concrete” as in something real, something actual, something you can name that prevents…
An Hour of Peace
Since October, I’ve been meeting most weeks after church with Lima’s confirmation class. We read the gospel of Mark together, we studied the Apostles’ Creed, and we learned about church…
Palm Sunday. The one day in Jesus’ life when he gets the credit he is due! Crowds cheering, throwing down their coats to line Jesus’ path. Praising God with “Hosanna!…
Did you ever study a foreign language? When I was in high school, I took two years of French. I was very excited going into it, because even before the…
When you were twelve years old, what was your main focus? Mine was on having fun. But apparently, not all twelve year olds are like that. Recently I discovered a…
I don’t remember the first time I ever received communion, but I do remember the time the lady in charge of communion at my church growing up accidentally bought prune…
I don’t know about you, but I do not want to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around my neck! Or even a small millstone for…
Healing on the Sabbath—is this work or not? In Genesis, we read that for six days God created, but on the seventh day, God rested. In Exodus, we read how…
Hello. I’m Trevor Salla. Except for when I was away at college, I’ve been coming to this church since I was a kid. And the people here have become an…