Happy Easter!  My name is Dorry Newcomer, and I am the lead pastor of Lima United Methodist Church.  This is my second year serving Lima Church, and this Easter is…

Meant For Good

April 5, 2020
We got something cool in the church mailbox this week.  It’s a poster that says,   KEEP CALM AND WASH YOUR HANDS   It’s printed in the style of the…

Wildest Dreams

March 29, 2020
I decided to title this sermon, “Wildest Dreams”.  When we meet up with Jacob in our lesson today, he’s dealing with something he never imagined, even in his wildest dreams: …
I have a pretty amazing glory sighting to share with you today.  Do you know that term, “Glory Sightings”?  They are times when you can see and feel God at…
Back in early January, before most of us had even heard of coronavirus, Lima Church began studying the book of Genesis.  I said on that first Sunday of the new…
Recently I bought myself a globe.  I’ve been wanting one off and on over the years.  Every time I do a children’s sermon about UMCOR, or it’s World Communion Sunday,…

Wilderness Time

February 26, 2020
High expectations, high support.  I have appreciated this paradigm for parenting, and for life in the church, for many years.  With just a handful of scripture passages, we have established…

The Willingness is All

February 23, 2020
SERMON—THE WILLINGNESS IS ALL. @LIMA. Abraham & Isaac: the Sacrifice. February 23, 2020. Rev Janet K Hess.   Hear also these verses from Genesis 18: 10-14. Then one (angel) said…

Covenant of Connection

February 16, 2020
So, today we meet Abram.  We don’t know much about him before this chapter in Genesis.  Last week, we read part of Chapter 11 and about the Tower of Babel. …

Watch This!

February 9, 2020
Now here is an unusual story for the church.  It's a building project, where everyone was speaking the same language.  Everyone was in agreement about what should be done.  Fund…