
July 28, 2019
We continue our study of the book of Acts.  We are now in our 9th week.  We started with Ascension Sunday and the beginning of the book of Acts as…
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, was famous for giving all the money in his wallet to help poor people.  But when his wallet was empty, he didn’t just shrug…
I think we underestimate what happened on Pentecost.  We read this scripture passage every year, but how often do we stop to consider just how amazing that day was?
Truly great teachers don’t just give their students lessons while they are living.  Truly great teachers plant within us lessons we can only learn after we are no longer together.…
In our scripture lesson today, Peter hears Jesus’ prediction, that he will be carried to his death by his enemies—and right after that, Jesus says, “Follow me.”
But we know that it is always sunrise somewhere, and on the third day, Peter’s world began to get brighter with the morning news of the Resurrection.