March 2, 2025

Shine or Shrine

Passage: Transfiguration Sunday
Service Type:

The gospel lesson suggestion for the Sunday before the season of Lent is always the transfiguration. We have many religious words. This is the only one I am aware of that is only this event. No other definition. It is referring to a time Jesus was transfigured before their eyes. He glowed with light. He was in a different realm. They tried to describe it. But words failed them so they settled with, “He was transfigured.”

The event is filled with such mystery.

Jesus didn’t go up to the mountain alone. He took three friends with him. Peter, James and John and they were witnesses to this amazing moment. Jesus faced changed in appearance. It was bright with light.

And then there appeared 2 men, Moses and Elijah. Now remember they died years before Jesus was born. So many things are interesting. 2 people came to talk to Jesus from the other side of the grave. Maybe Peter, James and John overheard the content of the conversation. It is written that they were talking about Jesus exodus or Jesus imminent departure, or his suffering and death that is about to happen. Or as it is written, about to fulfill in Jerusalem.

I almost think of it as a fast, flash, a moment. Not sure of that though. For it says Peter, James and John were weighed down with sleep. So it was long enough for them to fall asleep. They became woke and saw the glory all around them. They saw the 2 men with Jesus.

So, Peter as always is action oriented. He wanted to do something. So he suggests they capture this moment and build 3 booths, or tents or shrines. To commemorate them. And a cloud came and overshadowed them and they were terrified. A voice came from the cloud, “This is my son, my chosen; listen to him.” Then Jesus was alone with them. They were struck mute with fear and awe.

When I look up the prefix “trans”, it means “across” , “beyond” or “of the other side.” Jesus was hearing across boundaries of death and life after death. He was hearing from those beyond the bounds of our limited understanding of space and time. He was speaking to those on the other side. Jesus was transfigured with light, and was transported to a place he could have a conversation with 2 people in Heaven. What encouragement that must have been for Jesus. It is going to get worse they are telling him, much worse. You will suffer and die at the hands of those who do not want to hear your message of love and inclusion and generosity. Keep going, live out your mission anyway.

We, like Peter, James and John are overhearing a sacred conversation. We see something is different. We can’t quite describe it. You know how it is often said a pregnant woman is glowing. Well spiritual directors are often compared to a midwife. Something is about to be birthed. And when we see it we can assist and encourage and wake up from our stupor that our distractions have put us in.

There is a Jewish holy day called “succor”. This is often called the feast of tabernacles or booths. Every year families can construct a simple booth, to remind them when they were nomads with no house of worship, they traveled and worshiped on their way.

What could transfiguration have to do with us today? There are realms beyond our comprehensions that transcend our current understanding.
• We do not have to go at it alone. We need community as Jesus was encouraged by Moses and Elijah and Peter, James and John.
• We do not have to tell everyone we see about spiritual experiences we do not even know how to describe.
• We can wake up from our stupor and see the glory all around us.
• We can listen to Jesus and not the perversion of Jesus.
• We can shine or we can rest on our laurels in a shrine. In other words, are we following a movement or simple coming to a monument. We aren’t here to lift up Moses and Elijah, but listen to Jesus. We aren’t here to praise some favorite pastor, but to hear from Jesus.

We are the light of the world. That is what Jesus said. Let us shine, not worship a shrine. We do not even need to rely on past good memories or mountain top moments or special spiritual moments. There will be enough grace each moment. Let us shine, not build yet another shrine.