The Stars at Night
Perhaps you have heard the song, and I don’t think I have told you that I am from Texas (lol), “The stars at night are big and bright deep in the heart of Texas.” Actually, having lived here and other places, the stars at night are bright in all places. Not in spite of the night, but because of it. The stars are there in the daylight, we just can’t see them.
“Truly it is in the darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us.” Meister Eckhart
Some epiphany reminders:
• Aha, oh, I get it , light bulb (an epiphany), idea
• Awareness
• See
• Wide – eyed
• Search / guide
• Wise ones still seek God
• Manifestation of God
• enlightenment
That first Epiphany, the Foreigners knew something was up. Perhaps they were scientist. They were curious. An outsider saw something the locals could not. (can’t see the forest for the trees) in the midst of the presence, one might miss it.
The magi worshiped the child. Sometimes we find our desire to know insatiable and refuse to see something bigger than us or larger than our intelligence. The magi stopped their search when they found the child. They gave up certainty but clarity.
Found out through a dream, this leader, King Herod, was in cahoots with the religious / political leaders and Herod was lying, and intentionally deceitful, using them to find the Christ child, the king of the Jews. So when the magi did not return Herod had the babies of that age killed. This caused the Holy family to become immigrants fleeing political violence, fleeing to save their very lives. Let’s hear it for Egypt for welcoming them, this immigrant family.
Gifts were brought to Jesus.
• Gifts – gold – king of earth, reign on earth as in heaven
• Frankincense – symbolizing the holy – divine on earth, worship
• Myrrh – salve, oil, embalming (foreshadow of death), also healing ointment
Today after we take communion you are invited as you return to your pew to stop by for an anointing at one of the 2 stations, for the myrrh is a blessing for 2025. Trevor or Sabrina will anoint your hand or your forehead with the myrrh.
These wise ones are a bit of a mystery to us. We do not even know if there were three. We just know they had three gifts. We do not know if they were kings. We just know they came from the East and they followed the star. You are invited to choose a star word from the basket. You can even choose 2 words if you would like. This can be a guide for our 2025. We face a new year with courage because Jesus has come into our world and our lives and wise ones still seek him.
The Magi’s Journey
From distant lands, they saw the star,
A flame that blazed from realms afar,
And in its glow, a hope did rise,
A promise shining in the skies.
Three kings, with gifts of gold and myrrh,
And frankincense to honor her,
The virgin’s child, the King divine,
They followed where the star did shine.
Through desert winds and silent night,
They traveled on by faith and light,
For in that star, they knew the sign,
Of God who entered space and time.
They knelt before the infant small,
The Savior, Lord, the Christ for all,
No throne, no crown, no palace high,
But in a humble manger, nigh.
With reverence deep, they offered gold,
A gift for kings, as tales are told.
And incense sweet, to heaven’s call,
And myrrh, the sign of death for all.
A journey long, a story old,
But still today, its truth we hold:
The Magi came, from far away,
To greet the Christ, the Light, the Way.