If you like a Sunday where there’s more than one thing going on, today is your kind of day! It’s Ascension Sunday, when we remember how after the resurrection, Jesus…
Matthew 6:24-34 The Message translation 24 “You can’t worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you’ll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other.…
I did something this week I’ve been meaning to do for a while: I made toilet tank filler bottles so every time we flush one of the parsonage toilets, we…
August 6th…98 days from today…Saturday, August 6th…maybe about 5pm….I can feel it, I can see it, I can smell it now…August 6th, the beginning of my week-long beach vacation! The…
In the beginning…that’s how it all starts. Always reminds me of the song “let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start…” A great place to start…
Last Sunday night I mentioned to my daughter and son-in-law that I needed to write my Easter sermon, and how I always find it hard. They were surprised and said,…
At my first church, one of the members had a saying that rang true for me as soon as I heard it. “Remember,” she would say, “it’s a legal system,…
I love that Jesus includes whining people in this story! Can you hear it? It’s not fairrrrrr….how come he got more than me? Whoever has or had kids can hear…
The kingdom of heaven is like…Pretty much all of Matthew chapter 13 is focused on this one idea. What is the kingdom of heaven like? Last week we read how…
Some words just go together in sets of three. For instance, if I said small and medium, what would you say next? Large! Bacon and lettuce? Tomato! Larry and…